France | Europe | International Institutions | European Union | Africa and Middle East | Asia-Pacific | North America | Latin America and the Caribbean | Internet |
Rechstat-Official websites of Statistics in North America
Information laws and regulations but no figures. See links to national sites (USA, Canada, Mexico) NAFTANOW.ORG Site common to the 3 partner states-Old figures with little details | Links to the official sites of the United States Administration The home of the U.S. Government’s open data"Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research,
develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more." Census BureauEnglish Official source of information social, demographic and economic. Demographic category for U.S. and world _______________________________ Bureau of Economic Analysis (U.S. Department of Commerce)English Many downloadable data ________________________________ Bureau of Labour StatisticsEnglish Statistical series on wages, labor costs, productivity International comparisons Custom queries __________________________________ Bureau of Transportation Statistics English Statistics by mode of transport and themes Extensive database-glossary TradeStats Express™ Trade figures by country and by product Recent Updates National Travel and Tourism Statistics -Report with statistics of entries and exits by origin or destination (PDF) ___________________________________ Federal Reserve BoardEnglish Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System The Central Bank USA (the "Fed") __________________________________ FedStatsEnglish Portal sites official statistics on the U.S.-interesting for its choice by state and topics and links to 100 federal agencies __________________________________ U.S. Treasury DepartmentEnglish Information on the U.S. currency, debt, taxes. __________________________________ Stock Exchange CommissionEnglish For those who study financial markets. __________________________________ Standard & Poor's English Major rating agency private company but index and notes are valued quasi-official After registration, access to data, by country or geographical area __________________________________ The White HouseEnglish Official website of the White House. |
Site created by academics and journalists from the United States Examines the inequities: income, health ... from official figures. U.S.Geological Survey "We provide science about the natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods; the water, energy, minerals, and other natural resources we rely on; the health of our ecosystems and environment; and the impacts of climate and land-use change. Our scientists develop new methods and tools to supply timely, relevant, and useful information about the Earth and its processes." |
Statistique Canada-Statistics Canada French,English All statistics about Canada Department of Finance Budget-Publications and Reports Central Bank statistics page Industry Canadian Industry Statistics (CIS) analyses industry data on many economic indicators using the most recent data from Statistics Canada. CIS looks at industry trends and financial information, such as GDP, Labour Productivity, Manufacturing and Trade data. __________________________________ Institut de la statistique du Québec-Statistical Institute of QuebecFrench,English Ditto, but only for Quebec. Finances Québec (Department of Finance) Extensive information and statistics Ministère du Tourisme (Ministry of Tourism) Many information but few statistics Ministère de l'économie The Ministry's mission is to support business growth, entrepreneurship, science, innovation, export trade and investment. The MEI is coordinating the elaboration and the implementation of the digital strategy. _____________________________ NunavutFrench,English, Innuinnaqtun Government Public Documents: some statistics
[France] [International
Institutions] [European Union] [Europe]
[Africa and Middle East] [Asia/Pacific]
America] [Latin america and Carribean] [Internet
RechStat(Recherche statistique)1998-2010