France | Europe | International Institutions | European Union | Africa and Middle East | Asia-Pacific | North America | Latin America and the Caribbean | Internet |
Statistics in Europe
state not recognized by international authorities Bank of Abkhazia (Central Bank)Abkhazian, Russian, English -Monetary Survey-Average Rates of Credits-Average Rates of Deposits |
Åland IslandsEnglish,
Swedish Statistics and Research Åland (ÅSUB) Autonomous region of Finland ÅSUB produces official statistics in areas such as population, rents, tourism, national accounts, wages and salaries, public finances and education. |
Albanian Instituti i Statistikës-Institute of Statistics) Figures in all areas (maybe old) Banque nationale English, Albanian -Recent figures-price index and other financial indices (some tables available for download) Ministèredes FinancesEnglish, Albanian Reports and publications relating to the budget and taxation |
English Federal Bureau of Statistics-Stadistiches Bundesamt Deutschland(DESTATIS) -site comprehensive and current -link to the portal statistics of the Länder Federal Ministry of Finance-Bundministerium der Finanzen German, English -Many statistics on the budget, taxation ... updated regularly -A number of reports in English provide the baseline data, the site is mostly in German Bundesbank english, german, french "The monetary, financial and external statistics, as well as the comprehensive sets of indicators and seasonally adjusted economic data compiled by the Bundesbank under its legal mandate cover a broad spectrum of user-oriented, prepared economic data. This multi-layered information system forms the central empirical basis, in particular, for the monetary policy decision-making process, as well as macroeconomic and macroprudential analyses." Federal of Food and agriculture classification by Topics-for statistics see: Statistical Data of BMEL The site seems very complete and precise (in German only) Federal Ministry of health classification by themes: lots of information but no statistics page Federal for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Many links provide access to official statistics |
Department of Statistics catalan, spanish Complete statistics and easy access (geography, economics ...) Database with charts |
England-see United Kingdom |
Armenian, Russian National statistical Office Essential data Publications (download tables) recent statistics in all areas (Tables PDF) Ministry of Finance Data Center: News-Publications State Treasure System-Public Debt-Macroeconomic Indicators Central Bank Inflation, Exchange Rates Ministry of Education and Science site under construction-Some reports may contain statistics |
English Statistics Austria the part in English is less provided that the party in German comprehensive site with sections clear and orderly the figures are in the form of publications to download or order Federal Ministry of Finance -taxation, budget and economic policy, financial sector -federal budget National Bank-Oesterreichische Nationalbank see "Statistics": OeNB, Eurosystem and monetary indicators Interest rates and exchange rates Financial institutions Securities Prices, competitiveness Economic and industry indicators Financial accounts External sector International comparisons Government: Agricutural Statistics Data and Facts: mostly in German Ministry of Turism Statistics |
azéri State statistical Committee Demography and Social Statistics Economic Statistics Environment and Others Statistical database Geographic information system Ministry of Finance -state budget -statistics: macroeconomic indices, Azerbaijan in Figures Central Bank Inflation, interest rates, money market Statistics of agriculture Extensive and up-to-date data |
Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission Site dedicated to information on the environment of the Baltic region -Publications -environmental indicators (with maps) hydrography, pollution, biology ... -fishing-navigation Council of the Baltic Sea StatesEnglish -institutional records -for statistics, see the Portal of the Baltic region which provides many links or |
Byelorussia English , Russian Site of the President. Contains some statistical National statisticalCommitteeEnglish, Russian -Recent evidence -essential statistics tabulate National Bank monetary and financial data Ministry of Education English, Russian, Belarusian Main indicators of education, statistics by level of education |
French,German,English Federal Government Site official information and services National Institute of Statistics : (STATBEL) Many indexes and publications Ministry of Economic Affairs: interesting for its numerical tables Portal This section of the website allows you to find easily all the official contact info and websites. You will find here below a list of websites and addresses that can be useful for English-speaking users. You will find an extensive list of official addresses and websites by visiting the French and Dutch section of the site National Bank On these pages you’ll find all publications and figures, a complete calendar with upcoming updates and a complete overview of all contact data for each statistical domain. THE PORTAL OF EDUCATION IN FEDERATION WALLONIA-BRUSSELS french education indicators by year |
and Herzegovina English,
Bosnian, Serbian Federal Agency of StatisticsEnglish,Bosnian Numerous data to download Republika of Srpska English, Serbian(Cyrillic)
Bulgaria English
,Bulgarian(Cyrillic) National Statistical Office comprehensive site Ministry of Finance -Budget since 2010 -Tax policy -Government Debt: Many statistical documents National Bank Statistics: macroeconomic Indicators, rates of change Ministry of Education and Science Institutional information without statistics Ministry of Agriculture The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, its regional and municipal structures conducted an agricultural census in 2003, 2010 and 2020 and sample structural surveys in 2005, 2007, 2013 and 2016 in accordance with the EU rules and requirements. |
English Institute of Statistics-Web de l'Estadistica oficial de Catalunya complete site, well presented |
of Independent
Interstate Statistical Committee of the commonwealth of the independent states(CISSTAT) -basic statistics for each participating country -Priced publications |
English Government Portal Ministry of Finances -extensive statistical data -to enter the "Service Statistics" go to "Departments" then "Statistical Services", in this page click on one of the 2 links proposed Statistical Service of the Republic of Cyprus (CYSTAT) Greek, English -comprehensive statistics presented by themes -priced publications, except for archives Central Bank Price Indices, Interest Rates, statistics, Economic Bulletin Ministry of Education and Culture "The website is a useful source of information and provides access to announcements, circulars, newsletters, annual reports and statistical data. Additionally, it provides information about a variety of educational programmes and access to educational material for all levels of education." |
Republic of Northern Cyprus Turkish,
English State Planning Organization Economic and Social Indicators-Macroeconomic Developments-Consumer Prices Index-Building Construction Statistics |
English Statistics Denmark Many figures-many tables Ministry of Finance -budget outlook -archives since 1996 National Bank monetary policy, public debt, exchange rate, comprehensive financial statistics Ministry of Education institutional information, without statistics (which are provided by Statistics Denmark, see above) |
Donetsk official website
Links to the ministry websites that can provide some statistics |
Scottish Government statistics Comprehensive data classified by themes |
National Institute of Statistics-Instituto nacional de estadistica(INE) -comprehensive and current -see especially: Spain in figures (tables and graphs in PDF) Ministry of Finance spanish -themes -statistics and information: taxes, budget, public finance, European funds, territorial statistical - publications Central Bank (Banco de España) The Banco de España prepares and publishes statistics related to its functions. It also compiles and provides the European Central Bank (ECB) with monetary, banking and financial statistics, and figures on interest rates and the balance of payments, which are needed to implement the single monetary and exchange rate policies.. Ministry of Education statistics page: many data and reports Ministry of agriculture numerous and recent statistics classified by theme Ministry of Tourism National and Comprehensive Tourism Plan(pdf) Ministry of industry Statistics and Reports |
English Office of National Statistics-Statistics Estonia Very comprehensive site with recent updates Ministry of Finance documentation on the budget, taxes ... the "Economy" contains many files to download and containing statistics Central Bank statistics page Ministry of Education and Research statistics and analysis-annual analysis Ministry of rural affairs some quite old statistics |
English Site Statistics-Hagstova Foroya -the "Faroe Islands in Figures 2005" (PDF) provides numerous tables and graphs comparative with the Scandinavian countries - Full-view (climate, geography, economy, society) |
Finland Finnish,
Swedish, English Finland in figures (Ministry of Economy)-Statistics Finland -extensive site -statistics are sorted alphabetically or by product or topic Ministry of Finances The ‘Publications’ section contains publications published in the Ministry of Finance publication series. Various Ministry of Finance documents have been compiled into the ‘Documents’ section. Documents on personnel management can be found in a separate section. Latest publications Latest documents on personnel management Latest graphs and statistics: Employment General government financial balance in ratio to GDP, per cent Harmonised index of consumer prices Graphs and Statistics Bank of Finland (Central Bank) The Bank of Finland is responsible for compiling Finnish data for statistics on monetary financial institutions and financial and balance of payments statistics, as determined by the Governing Council of the European Central Bank Ministry of Education and Culture Institutional website - many publications that may contain statistics Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Many statistics classified by themes-publications Ministry of Tourism Many precise and recent statistics by "Visit Finland" Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment Publications with statististics |
"Statistics Georgia" Georgian, English site complete and recent figures many tables to download lists of publications, some available online National Bank English, Georgian macro-economic figures Financial and trade statistics Ministry of Finance Budget: Analytical Data-Deficit-Inflation Macroeconomic Indicators State Budget: Government Budget of 2004-2012 Ministry of Education and Science Institutional website - no pages dedicated to statistics |
English General Secretariat of National Statistical Service of Greece Official website of statistics very comprehensive Ministry of Finance -Economic Data: budget Medium Term Fiscal Strategy 2012 to 2015 Short présentation on budget 2006 to 2011 -Public Debt Data Central Bank (Bank of Greece) See: "statistics" |
Groenland Greenlandic
(Kallaallisut), English, Danish Key figures in all fields to download (PDF) |
Government site-link "statistics" refers to the Statistics Office -key indicators -price index -many downloadable reports |
States of Guernesey-UK Crown dependancy Statistics: Government-->Fact and Figures (PDF) |
Ireland English,
Gaelic Central Statistics Office-Prìomh Oifig Staidrimh na h Eireann -everything about this country Department of Finance -Budgetary and Economic Statistics: is compiled by the Department of Finance in order to make statistics for several years readily accessible, on a wide range of subjects. In the document below: Part 1 contains budgetary statistics. Part 2 contains economic statistics. Figures in the tables may be seen to vary on occasion from those previously issued. Such variation arises from revisions made by the source agency. -Department of Public Expenditure & Reform - Databank Bank of Ireland Statistics Page: many financial and monetary information Department of Entreprise, Trade end employment Numerous publications, but the industry seems absent |
Government site-link "Government Departments" provides access to sites of ministries providing their own statistics NISRA-Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency -publications and statistics in all areas but showing a little old -links leading to specific topics (geography, demography ...) |
Italy italian,
English Institute of Statistics (ISTAT)-Istituto Nazionale di Statistica all over the country Regional data Department of Finance italian fiscal statistics see also Ministry of Economy and Finances (Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze) english, italian changes in economic and financial situation of the country over many years Central Bank italian, english You can consult the Bank of Italy’s statistical database clicking on the buttons below. In particular, a good part of the Bank's statistics is also available for download under “Databases”. Ministry of Education (Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricrerca italian see: "Dati e statistiche" (data and statistics) Ministry of tourism italian Recent statistics Ministry of enterprises For statistics, see "ISTAT" |
Jersey english
States of Jersey-UK Crown dependancy Links: Government and Administration-->Jersey and the world->Statistics Unit -Statistics Unit reports and documents -Jersey in Figures booklet |
English, Serbian(srbski) Kosovo Agency of Statistics -Statistics by theme -Latest News -Latest Publications -Publications (pdf) to obtain accurate statistics Ministry of Finance -Budget-Tax-customs-debt-reports and publications Central Bank Many publications provide statistics |
Latvia English,Latvian
Latvias Statistika -Many tables (GDP trends, finance, population ...); database Ministry of Finance -Taxes -monthly survey of the Economics and State Budget in Latvia since 2006 -information about changes in wages and salaries in public and private sectors. Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture portal many recent and well-presented statistics |
English,french Web portal of the Principality -various statistics available in several categories -in "Economy" Many complete data for download (English) |
English Department of Statistics-Statistikos departamentas -Key indicators -Publications -Many figures and recent in all areas-tables -database to facilitate research Central Bank see especially the link "statistics" Ministry of Finance Budget-Taxation-State Debt Management link: ACTUAL FINANCIAL DATA |
English, German Portail des statistiques du Luxembourg-Statistics Portal of Luxembourg -Comprehensive statistics with a simple ranking -recent updates (news) -Priced publications, or download (PDF) -links -English version is less complete Ministry of Finance french, english usual sections: budget, taxation ... see-linked sites for more details Publications: Numerous figures Central Bank Financial and economic statistics: many reports Ministry of Education french Pulications-statistics and analysis |
North Macedonia
English, macédonian , Albanian State statistical office Fairly comprehensive site with recent data Ministry of Finance -Public Finance -Macroeconomics Reports National Bank statistical page |
National Statistical Office -extensive site-search topics, indicators, publications, recent figures, links -statistical database (register for access) Ministry of Finance, the Economy and Investment -Budget, budget estimates -Economic Survey -Library: annual reports Central Bank Page "economy and statistics" Ministry of agriculture Various statistics classified by departments Ministry of tourism Facts and Figures |
(Isle of)English Government-Economic Affairs Division -Downloadable Documents: Statistical Reports: numerous and precise data |
of)English, Romanian, Russian Official Website Statistics-Statistica Moldovei Recent complete figures Simple presentation (tables, graphs) Ministry of Finance Public debt, state guarantees and on-lending Reports National Bank Monetary and financial statistics and publications Ministry of agriculture Statistics arranged according to cartographic criteria |
Official Portal of Government of the Principality "Les Dossiers" provides access to reports or figures in many fields (economic, social, census ...) |
serbian Statistical Office(MONSTAT) -General Data -monthly and annual statistics (indices) in all fields -downloadable publications -Census Central Bank English -regular financial information downloadable reports Ministry of Finance -reports on the State Debt -Presentations and Publications: Bulletin (PDF): Economic Growth, Fiscal Policy, ...) |
disappeared site |
dansk, islanska, norsk, suomi, svenska Official co-operation in Nordic region: Nordic co-operation involves Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden as well as the three autonomous areas, the Faroe Island, Greenland and the Åland Islands. -figures and statistics -population -history... |
English Central Bureau of Statistics-Statistik Sentralbyra-Statistics Norway -overview of country by topics -See especially: "The mini-guide to Norway" French, English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Japanese Numerous maps, charts and graphs online or downloadable provide a comprehensive and detailed overview of country (geography, climate, environment, society, demography ...) Ministry of Finance "The Ministry serves as the Minister’s secretariat. It prepares documents that are to be presented to the Storting and background material and advice for the government on issues such as economic and tax policy. The Ministry also has a number of administrative functions, implements political decisions and is responsible for government agencies such as those dealing with taxes, duties and statistics." -revisited national budget -Topics A-Z -Documents-Search by year, relevance, alphabetic Central Bank (Norges Bank) Norges Bank is the central bank of Norway and shall promote economic stability in Norway. Norges Bank also manages the Government Pension Fund Global. The central bank does not offer any banking services to the general public. |
English Central Bureau of Statistics-Central Bureau voor de Statistick -tables in all fields -updates -Publications Government -documents and publications -links to websites of ministries: finance, economy... Ministry of Finance budget tax system Central Bank Statistics Monetary and Financial Statistics Ministry of industry Nederland Business Survey |
CountryEuskara, Spanish, english Statistical Office -Official website of statistics very comprehensive |
Welsh Welsh Assembly Government-Parliament website The links "Topics" and "statistics" to bring "Statswales" where many figures are provided in tables classified by topics |
English Central statistics Office Accurate data in all fields: statistical topics, regions and databases Recent updates Ministry of Finance -Fiscal system -Public Debt Publications National Bank (Narodowy Bank Polski) Statistics: monatary and Financial Statistics, Exchange Rates, Inflation... |
Portuguese, English National Institute of Statistics-Instituto nacional de Estatistica -essentials data are paying -the "Archives" is freely available (PDF or HTML) with figures (slightly) less recent, with a search by date and topic Office of Strategy and Studies (Gabinete de Estratégia e Estudos) Portuguese Attached to the Ministry of Economy and Employment -Many economic and financial statistics, chronologically or by theme (recent and accurate data) to download (pdf) -interactive database -publications (to order) Central Bank Banco de Portugal is responsible, as part of its functions, for the collection and compilation of monetary, financial, foreign exchange and balance of payments statistics, particularly within the scope of its cooperation with the European Central Bank (ECB) (Article 13 of the Organic Law). Directorate-General for Education portuguese statistics of exam results |
Romania Romanian,
English National Institute of Statistics-Institutul National de Statistica Complete data in all areas (download) Ministry of Public Finance-Ministerul Finantelor Publice tab "Buletin MFP" refers to monthly newsletters (pdf) on the budget, reports on macroeconomic and financial developments , to reports and statistics on the evolution of public debt National Bank Statistics: data sets, interactive data: All financial and monetary information Ministry of Agriculture numerous statistics classified by theme Ministry of touism Archives: numerous reports with precise statistics |
KingdomEnglish UK National Statistics : Gateway to UK National Statistics -browse by themes -regional statistics-links Office for National Statistics -statistics by themes-key statistics-brief analysis-publications-census-neighbourhood HM TreasuryEnglish -much of statistics and information on finance, economy, society -exact figures and regularly updated Central Bank-Bank of England (BoE) Statistics: The Bank compiles and publishes a range of monetary and financial statistics. These include domestic banking statistics, external finance statistics and international banking statistics. Department for Education See: "Research and statistics" Statistics of Agriculture Annual Statistical digest of Rural England: numerous and precise data - recent updates |
Federal Statistics Service English ,Russian very provided Base Data Recent and precise figures tables and graphs Ministry of Finance Many financial information -see "Macroeconomics" for statistics on GDP, etc. -data on public debt Central Bank inflation, foreign currency market... |
San Marinoitalian,
English Ufficio programazione economica, centro elaborazione dati e statistica Office of economic planning, data processing and statistics -Many figures in various fields (demography, transport, welfare, labor, money, economy and tourism, education, business. |
serbian Statistical Office of Serbia Database: Search by year, municipality, themes Priced publications Recent indices Ministry of Finance and Economy -macroeconomic and fiscal data -documents: budget publications: Bulletin Public Finances, Serbian economic Diagram National Bank See"Statistics" |
English , Slovak National Bank: -financial information -a selection of macro-economic trends Statistical Office Full site and well presented often in tabular form Ministry of Finance Mainly documents and statistics on the budget Minstry of Agriculture Statistics by themes Ministry of tourism Annual reports with statistics |
, Slovenian Statistical Office Complete site and easy access Ministry of Finance AREAS OF WORK •Public Finances •Government Securities •Taxes and Customs •Public Private Partnership •State Aid Monitoring •Euro Central Bank Statistics |
Sweden Swedish,
English Statistika centralbyran-Statistics Sweden presentation by topics database Ministry of Finance Publications : Reports Annual Report State From the Budget Bill for 2013: Budget Statement Guidelines for central government debt management in 2013 The Swedish Economy in figures Central Bank (Sveriges Riksbank) Statistics page Statistics of Education A lot of data to download Enterprise and Industry annual reports from 2021 |
German, French, Italian, Romansh Federal Office of Statistics: Statistics Portal Swiss very detailed site, search by subject, database Federal Department of Finance FDF Topics Dossiers on important items of FDF business can be found under "Topics", broken down by topic area. As a rule, a fact sheet forms the core of a dossier. Fiscal Policy, Taxes, Economic, Monetary and Financial Affairs See also: Federal Administration Swiss National Bank SNB data portal: On the data portal, the SNB publishes data which is of importance for monitoring the economy as well as for monetary policy; to this end, the SNB draws on external sources, such as the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. CDIP(Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Public Education (CDIP) In Switzerland, education and culture are mainly the responsibility of the cantons. The latter co-ordinate their work at the national level in a political body: the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Directors of Public Education (CDIP), which brings together the 26 state counselors responsible for education. paid publications can provide statistics Federal Office for Agriculture See'l'agriculture en chiffres" (in french)Annual agricultural report with lots of numbers Federal Statistical Office-Tourisme Recent figures and reports |
RepublicTchèque,English Czech Statistical Office-Cesky Statisticky Urad(CSU) Site comprehensive and current in all fields Ministry of Finance -Macroeconomy-Government Financial Statistics-State Debt Czech National Bank Statistics: The Czech National Bank in its area of competence compiles and publishes statistics, in particular monetary and financial statistics, balance of payments statistics, supervisory statistics, financial accounts statistics, general economic statistics and government finance statistics. Ministry of agriculture Presentation by themes: in each of the texts contain some statistics, often old Tourism Indicators Employement 2003-2020 Ministry of Industry Numerous statistics and graphs provided by the National Office |
(Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic)-State self-proclaimed, unrecognized Supreme Council Russian, English you can download annual statistical reports (finance, budget, taxation), the most recent being in Russian |
English Turkish statistical institute(Turkstat) Full and timely Ministry of Finance -Statistics -Monthly and annual Reports (Budget) -Link: General Government Finance Statistics Central Bank (TCMB) Statistics Ministry of Agriculture Classification by themes (but inaccessible!!!) Ministry of Culture and Tourism Statistics by Topics -Recent figures Data Portal for Statistics: Industry Many statistics to download (choice by dates, ...) |
Ukrainian, Russian State Statistics Committee of Ukraine -statistical information available in different themes -regional statistics -Census -catalog of publications (to order) -Recent data Ministry of Finance -State Budget-Public Debt -see also: Ukraine in Figures (pps) National Bank Statistics, official exchange rate, publications, inflation... Ministry of Agriculture See:"Import/Export" |
Italian, Portuguese Official site -Good presentation, interesting point of view religious and cultural Vatican City State italian historical and geographical information, number of inhabitants no statistics but see "popolazione" population |
[France] [International
Institutions] [European
Union] [Europe]
[Africa and Middle East]
America] [Latin america
and Carribean] [Internet