Rechstat-Official websites of
European Union
European Union
Europa: Gateway to the European Union
Institutional information
Few statistics
- Eurostat
English, German
Statistics Portal of the European Union
Database-number statistics classified by themes or
Press Releases Latest
- EurofoundFrench,
English, German,...
Eurofound, the European Foundation for the
of Living and Working Conditions, is a European Union body, one of the
first to be established to work in specialised areas of EU policy.
it was set up by the Council: Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1365/75 of
May 1975, to contribute to the planning and design of better living and
working conditions in Europe.-publications by type, by author, by
by subject, by date with statistics (•Diversity •Employment status
•General •Health •Human capital •Industrial change ...
- Federation of European securities
Exchanges English
Statistiques sur l'ensemble des marchés financiers
- European Audiovisual Observatory
French, German
The European Audiovisual Observatory was established
in December 1992 as the result of a joint initiative of the 33 Member
of Audiovisual Eureka, the leading European professional organisations
in the audiovisual sector, the Council of Europe and the European
(Directorate-General for Education and Culture).
Database on television channels and television
in the European Union -Database on admissions for films released in
on legal information relevant to the audiovisual sector in Europe
on public funding for the film and audiovisual sector in Europe
of Television Channels in Europe -publications
- European Central Bank (ECB)English
many financial statistics, including some for download
- European
Environment AgencyEnglish
Various data provided by themes or alphabetically, to
download in various formats
some data are available in all EU languages
- European Investment Bank (EIB)English,
French, German
"Our Mission is to further the objectives of the
Union by making long-term finance available for sound investment."
-EIB Group: key statutory figures
-Projects financed
- European Parliamentall
EU languages
Parliament's activities and reports
- European Monitoring Centre
for Drugs
and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)English
Statistical bulletin
Country-by-country information
content by theme-publications-links
- Council of Europe
The Council of Europe is the continent’s leading human rights
It includes 47 member states, 28 of which are members of the European
All Council of Europe member states have signed up to the European
on Human Rights, a treaty designed to protect human rights, democracy
the rule of law.
-institutional documentation
-publications and reports, some of which contain statistics
- European
Consumer Centres Network (ECC.Net)
The network of European Consumer Centres (ECC-Net) serves EU consumers
shopping for goods and services on the European market, providing them
with advice on their EU consumer rights and helping them with their
disputes with traders in other EU countries.
-ECC key facts and figures-reports with statistics
- European Patent Office English, french, german
"The European Patent Office (EPO) offers inventors a uniform
application procedure which enables them to seek patent protection in
up to 40 European countries.Supervised by the Administrative Council,
the Office is the executive arm of the European
Patent Organisation. "
legal and technical information on the European patent application
statistics on the evolution of patent applications