France | Europe | International Institutions | European Union | Africa and Middle East | Asia-Pacific | North America | Latin America and the Caribbean | Internet |
Search Statistics website by country
pages identify the resources visible global statistics on the web.
The sources are mainly locations official statistics provided by states or international institutions, including the global economy. Obviously, some states are absent, does not yet have site statistics (or not having more!) These pages are updated regularly. Brief comments concerning the contents (sometimes thin) of each site but do not prejudge its reliability. My only ambition is to serve those who want to quickly find statistics on Geography, Demographics, Economics, Sociology, Finance ... Jacques Lacroix. |
statistical graph
:Argentina: Inflation rate, in %, from 2021 to 2023
Source: INDEC 13/11/2024 See the archives of the new statistical sites and graphs (in French) |
[France] [International
Institutions] [European Union] [Europe]
[Africa and Middle East] [Asia/Pacific]
America] [Latin america and Carribean] [Internet
RechStat(Recherche statistique)